Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Create a web application in.NETCore with a Linux server

Create .NET Core web application

Let’s see how to write a web application in .NETCore

Create a new project

dotnet new

code .

Create a new project and open it in Visual Studio Code.

Create a WebHostBuilder instance, since we need a server to run our web application, It’s little bit different to a Console application.

We get an error here, Some packages seem to be missing, ok!!! First of all let’s add a server to run our application.

Add Kestrel to our package list

"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel": "1.0.1"

Add Kestrel server into project.json file and restore the package.

In program.cs file, Add relevant using statement.

When initiating a WebHostBuilder, It turns your console application into a web application.

Now, Ask the host to build using Build method, and run the web host. When hit on Run method, It’s going to give a signal to the host to listen on a port and start accepting HTTP traffic.

Let’s run and see the changes

public class Program
 public static void Main(string[] args)
  Console.WriteLine("Hello World - web");
   var host = new WebHostBuilder()
            .Configure(app =>
                {app.Run(c => c.Response.WriteAsync("Hello"));

When we run our application, It gives an error!!!!

It says we haven’t provided a service to startup the application. It means we haven’t mentioned we want to use Kestrel or not when starting our application. Let’s check how we can start our application with kestrel server,

In here we asked Kestrel to accept a HTTP request and turn it into a HTTP context. In configure, we accept an Application Builder instance, it’s going to perform some actions in our application.

When hit on app.Run(), It’s going to add a terminal to the HTTP request pipeline. Inside app.Run() method, we pass an HTTP context object kestrel has created.

In the terminal window, It shows Hello World - web .

Then it shows Hosting Environment as production., default hosting environment for a .NETCore application.

Then it shows Content root path of our application,

web project listen into http://localhost:5000/ which is default url and the default port of our application.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

ASP.NETCore: Create a Web API application

1. Introduction

This article will walk you through on building a simple web API service using .NETCore. Service is extended to interact with a SQL server database in a windows PC and then modify the same service to work with a MYSQL database in a Linux server.

2. Background

3. Prerequisites

In this article, we are working with two environments, Windows and a Linux environment. Check whether you have installed these prerequisites before you start.

In Windows environment,
In Linux environment,

I have used Entity framework Core to access data from databases, necessary references to EFCore is installed in next steps.

4. Create a Web API application in .NETCore

Let’s try to create a .NETCore application from Visual Studio 2015

Create a new project from Visual Studio 2015, In .NETCore tab, select ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core) . Give it a name and click on OK.

Select Web API from ASP.NET Core templates and click on OK.

Check folder structure of the application, It includes a Program.cs and Startup file. It includes a project.json file to define all required packages for your application. appsettings.json file maintains application settings same as web.config file in a ASP.NET Web application. Controllers folder has all Web API Controllers.

4.1. Open service application from Visual Studio Code.

cd into the application directory and open Visual Studio Code using code . command. You can see folder structure of your application as above. Add assets to build and debug your application as the info dialog box suggests.

vscode folder is added into the solution with launch.json and tasks.json file.

4.2. Dependencies in project.json file

Let’s see what are the dependencies required for a mvc application.

Since We create a Web API application, in project.json file, It shows Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc package dependency.

4.3. Run ValuesController and check service calls.

Let’s run Web API application and check available services.

Build (Ctrl + Shift + b) and run (Ctrl + F5) your application and ping to the Read service as above. Its shows return values in the browser.

4.4. Let’s build the movie service

In this solution, Movie service is accessing a SQL Server database on windows, and later the same application with less modifications, going to access a MYSql server database in a Linux server

4.4.1. Create Movie model

namespace movieStore.Models
 public class Movie
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Director { get; set; }
    public int Year { get; set; }
    public string Language { get; set; }

Create a Model folder to define entities in your application. Then create Movie class and add properties into it. We follow Code First approach in this example. So when we create the database Movie table will be created.

4.5. Create Movie service with SQL server on Windows.

4.5.1. Create Context class to build the database.

namespace movieStore.Models
    public class MovieDbContext : DbContext
        public MovieDbContext(DbContextOptions<MovieDbContext> options) : base(options)
        public DbSet<Movie> Movies { get; set; }

From context class, our database will be generated. Context class should be inherited from DbContext class. In order to do that, we have to add references from Entityframework core.

4.5.2. Install Entityframework Core (EF Core)

Add entityframeworkcore reference as a dependency into project.json file, “Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore”: “1.0.0” and resolve reference error in MovieDbContext class by adding using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore statement.

4.5.3. Define the connectionstring

Define the connectionstring in appsettings.json file to connect to the Sql server,

“ConnectionStrings: { “DefaultConnection”: “Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=movieDB;Integrated Security= true” }

4.5.4. Check MovieDbContext class

In MovieDbContext class, define constructor with context options and call base class method.

4.5.5. Add entities in moviecontext class

Try to run migrations for MovieDbContext class,
 dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration

It gives an error,

No executable found matching command “dotnet-ef”

We have to install entityframeworkcore tools to run migrations from .NET cli. Let’s try to do that.

4.5.6. Add EFCore tools

Add EFCore tools in tools section of project.json,

 "Microsoft.EntityframeworkCore.Tools" : "1.0.0-preview2-final"

Try to run migration and it gives an error again!!,

Could not invoke this command with the startup project ‘demo’. Check that ‘Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design’ has been added to “dependencies” in the startup project and that the version of ‘Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools’ in “tools” and ‘Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design` are the same. See for more details,

We haven’t added EFCore Design as a reference, We have to add EFCore Design references to run migrations scripts. Let’s add it and check. And also it mentions ‘Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design’ and ‘Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools’ version should be same.

4.5.7. Add EFCore Design reference.

Add EFCore Design reference into project.json file. Note that, `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design' and `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools' version are same.

 "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design": "1.0.0-preview2-final"

Then try to run migrations command again and it gives another error,

No parameterless constructor was found on ‘MovieDbContext’. Either add a parameterless constructor to ‘MovieDbContext’ or add an implementation of ‘IDbContextFactory‘ in the same assembly as ‘MovieDbContext’.

4.5.8. Startup class implementation

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
         services.AddDbContext<MovieDbContext>(options =>                                                                                                                            options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));
// Add framework services

In Configure services method, it’s going to add some services into the application.

services.AddDbContext(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString(“DefaultConnection”)));

Add the database context and define the connectionstring of your database, in configure service method, it’s missing some references, since we haven't add any EntityframeworkCore sqlserver references.

4.5.9. Add EFCore Sqlserver references

Add EFCore Sql server reference in project.json file and restore them.

 “Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer”: “1.0.0”

Now sqlserver reference is added. Configure service method looks fine.

4.5.10. Run Migrations

Let’s create movieDB in sql server.

Run Sqlserver migrations, It doesn’t give any errors in .NET CLI, Migrations folder is created with migrations scripts. In Initial Migration class, it defines Up and Down methods to create and drop movie table respectively.

4.5.11. Update the database

run commands to update the database. In sqlserver, movieDB got created.

 dotnet ef database update

4.5.12. Add Movie controller

In Visual studio code, We can’t use scaffolding. So i created a Movie Controller with all the CRUD operations of Movie entity in visual studio. Let’s add it.

In Movie Controller, it works with application/json type data, and the route is api/Movies. Note that in .NET Core Api controllers inherit from Controller class, not from API Controller class.

Go to api/movies method and check Network tab in developer tools. method returns 200 - OK. as a response. We don’t have data in movie database, Let’s try to add some data.

4.5.13. Add data using Postman

Postman is a tool to test your service apis. Although we can test GET requests through browser, to test POST requests, we need to use Postman. Add a movie using Postman and retrieve it using web browser.

We have created a service API using .NETCore and SQLServer. Let’s try to run this same application on Ubuntu with MySQL.

4.6. Change Movie service to work with MYSQL on Linux server.

4.6.1. Clone your application in Ubuntu

Let’s try to open your application in Ubuntu, We are going to connect this application to MySQL server,

Type git clone … with repository url, Your project will be downloaded. Then cd into application directory and open it in visual studio code.

4.6.2. Restore packages and build your application

Restore packages defined in project.json file and Build your application. It all works fine.

4.6.3. Let’s try to run the application

Let’s try to run our application without any modifications, It seems working fine. Let’s navigate to api/values , It calls READ service of Values service. It returns 200 - OK as response.

Ping to api/movies, it returns an empty array, since we don’t have a database.

Check the terminal and try to find any errors, It shows a fail error in red. It says 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.SqlServerQueryCompilationContextFactory[1] An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query. System.NotSupportedException: The keyword ‘integrated security’ is not supported on this platform. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionString..ctor(String connectionString) …'

It says an error as The keyword ‘integrated security’ is not supported on this platform. If you remember, where we have used integrated security , that’s in sql server connectionString. We can’t operate with Sql server on Ubuntu. We have to install My SQL server to store data in your application. Let’s do that.

4.6.4. Add MySQL connectionString

Add mysql connectionString in appsetings.json file, movieDB will get created in mysql server.

 "DefaultConnection" : "server=localhost;database=movieDB;uid=root;pwd=hansamali;sslmode=none;"

4.6.5. Add MySQL service in your application

If you remember, we added Sql service into the application when we run in Windows. In Ubuntu also same thing we have to do. Add MySQL service into your application with dbContext class. But it seems we are missing something in here.

Note that, Microsoft.EntityframeworkCore has been highlighted. Your application doesn’t use that reference anymore. It’s a reference from Sql server. We have to add a reference from MySQL to proceed with this. Let’s try to add it.

Add MySQL EFCore reference in project.json file and restore it.

“MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore” : “7.0.4-ir-191”

Add necessary changes in ConfigureServices method in Startup class.

services.AddDbContext(options =>


Add necessary using statements in startup class.

using MySQL.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Extensions;

In windows with Sql server, We run migration scripts and ensure database is created. But with Ubuntu, we can’t do that. Somehow we have to ensure our database is created. Let’s give it a try.

4.6.6. Ensure MySQL database got created

Add this lines of code to ensure MySQL database got created.

var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder();

var context = new MovieDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

4.6.7. Run your application

Then build and run the application, navigate to movies read service and verify it works fine. read service returns empty array. Let’s check database is created in MySQL server.

4.6.8. View MySQL databases

run commands to access mysql shell,

 mysql -u root -p

type command to view all the available databases, you can see movieDB is successfully created.

 show databases;

4.6.9. Let’s add some data into Movie database in MySQL

Call POST service in movie controller and add a movie into the mysql database. Refresh read movie service, it shows available movies in your mysql database.

Connect to the mysql shell and try to view data in Movies table.

Go to mysql shell by typing this command,
 mysql -u root -p

view available databases

 show database;

type following command to go inside a database and query it

 use movieDB;

You can see available tables in movieDB using this command

 show tables;

Type a select query to view data in movies table

 select * from Movies;

In this post, I described how to run a web api application in windows with Sqlserver. And then we tried to configure same service application on Ubuntu with MySql server, with less amount of coding we could achieve that. It was a really cool feature in .NETCore

5. Download

5.1. TechNet Gallery

5.2. GitHub

6. Conclusion

In this article as you saw, we could modify same .NETCore application in both environments, Windows and Linux. We worked with two different databases SQL server and MYSQL, with Entityframework Core. I hope EFCore will provide its features for Oracle soon. Since .NETCore is cross platform and open source building applications for multiple environments is possible today.

7. References

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

.NET Core: Create web application with Yeoman template generator

1 Introduction

This article describes how to create ASP.NET Core web application using Yeoman template generator. When we create a ASP.NET Core application in windows platform, we can use visual studio templates. since ASP.NET Core is supported in Linux and Mac like platforms, we can use template generator tool like Yeoman to create a basic project template.

2 What is Yeoman?

Yeoman is a free open source tool. It’s more like visual studio project templates. It’s going to create a complete project with given set of tools. Yeoman has set of generators, It complies with industry best practices. Developers can easily start with their applications with specific tool set, without worrying about the setup or template of the application. Yeoman templates includes building, testing and minification in your application, So developer can focus on the logic of their application.

3 Install node js

 sudo apt-get install nodejs
 node --version

Install node js, before installing Yeoman. Yeoman is going to run on a node server, After installing node js check the version of it.

4 Install npm

 sudo apt install npm

When we install nodejs, npm is also comes along with it. If you start installing npm before installing node js, follow like this.

npm is a package manager for Yeoman, It’s going to download any dependencies in your application, You don’t want to manually download and install it.

5 Let’s try to install Yeoman!!

 npm install -g yo

Run Yo installer command,

But it doesn’t seem work, We get an ugly permission issue, Let’s try to fix this.

It says permission denied for some paths. It suggests to run installer command as root/Administrator, Let’s try out that.

It looks perfectly fine, when we use sudo command with yo installer command.


We can check whether Yeoman is installed properly using Yo command.

We have successfully installed Yeoman. Now we don’t want to manually create .NETCore applications. We can use generated templates using Yo. Let’s start using Yeoman templates.

create a new directory and cd into it. Then run yo command.

Run Yo command, and check what happens.

It points to Install a generator by default. It doesn’t point to Run a generator, until we install a generator.

search for asp net generator in npm package management store.

We get a permission issue when installing asp net generator, Let’s try what yo says, will run npm install command and see what happens.

 npm install -g generator

We tried to install generator using npm install command, But it shows the same error!!!!

Since this is a permission issue, will run the command with sudo and check what happens.

 sudo npm install -g generator-aspnet

When installing generator as an administrator, it installs without getting any errors.

Let’s run Yo command and select a template.

Select aspnet as generator, and then select what type of application you want to create.

Select Empty Web Application and give a name to it.

Go inside the project folder and open it in visual studio code.

In visual studio code add .vscode folder and restore relevant packages. It shows solution like this.

In program.cs file, It shows WebHostBuilder class, with cross platform Kestrel server and IIS integration both.

It has defined a separate Startup class, to configure the http request pipeline.

Build and run .NETCore application and check terminal window,

You can see logging is enabled for browser navigation.

We can see complete project is created using Yeoman template generator. It includes program.cs, project.json and web.config files.

It includes Startup class to manage the http request pipeline. And also it has a wwwroot folder to host our web application.

Since Yeoman is generating complete application, We don’t have to do anything manually. We can only focus on the application logic and start working on it.

6 Download

6.1 TechNet Gallery

6.2 GitHub

7 Conclusion

If you go thorough this article, you will understand how easy it is to create a basic .NET Core template using Yeoman

8 References