Saturday, January 13, 2018

SQLSaturday Malaysia - 2018

Let's make a complex dataset simple using Azure Cosmos DB

Session Abstract: Azure Cosmos DB is an evolution of Azure Document DB. 
It's the industry first globally distributed database service, allow you to scale storage and throughput across many geographical regions with promising low latency.
Cosmos DB supports for multi model database, different types of database engines like key-value, document, graph and multi API support like SQL, Azure Table Storage, Gremlin, MongoDB.
Let's see in action with a demo, how you can transfer your complex data into a simpler format with Document API and scale it in different regions with specific storage and throughput.

Monday, January 8, 2018

TechNet Wiki Interview

TechNet Wiki Interview in 2018

I got the privilege to get interviewed by TechNet for my contributions to the community

Blog : Interview with a ASP.NET Wiki Ninja – Hansamali Gamage